Friday, September 12, 2008

BUCKMASTERS | Deer Just Can't Resist!



What clover is recommended for Deer and Turkey?

A: Under extreme grazing pressure and adverse climate conditions, Pennington Durana has proven to be more persistent than ladino-type clover. Durana is an intermediate type clover that is tolerant of deer pressure and produces more seed and smaller leaves for turkey. Since it is a perennial, Durana will last for several years and will provide a highly digestible, high protein food plot for deer, turkey and many other types of wildlife.

Q: Do food plots need to be fertilized?

A: Absolutely. All growing things need nutrition and food plots are no exception. Without fertilizer, food plots will not produce food or protein at their full potential. Specially formulated for wildlife food plots, Pennington's Wild Game Fertilizer is a 15-5-10 analysis that has 50% slow release nitrogen, which means it will feed your food plots for up to 100 days. This product also contains palletized lime, which aids in neutralizing the acidic soil found in woodland soils where food plots are grown.

Q: How important are minerals to a deer's diet?

A: Extremely important. Just as humans need minerals in their diets, deer need them to stay healthy and productive. Minerals provide many benefits to deer, including: increased conception rates in does, delivery of more fawn, distribution of calcium and phosphorous for antler production and increased overall health of the entire deer heard. Pennington's Rackmaster brand of deer mineral offers the required 2:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorous and is an all natural, soil colored formula that is easy to use when making mineral licks.

Q: How essential is soil pH in the development of a food plot?

A: Soil pH has everything to do with the establishment of healthy plants and directly relates to the plant's ability to absorb soil nutrients, which are necessary for plant survival and health. A pH of 5.0 is considered acidic and may cause as much as 50% waste of fertilizer. Using lime will raise the soil pH, making the soil less acidic and root systems more robust. Most plants perform well in soil with a pH of 6.5.

Q: How can I control seed depth when I'm planting my food plots?

A: There are various methods of controlling seed depth, depending on the way you apply seed and prepare your soil. If you are tilling, this is what Pennington recommends: Always cultipack or drag the area smooth and firm before planting seed. Soil tillage incorporates air into the soil and makes it very fluffy and soft, which allows seed to settle deeper than their planted depth. Firming the soil before planting will eliminate seed movement in the soil after planting, which is especially important when planting small seed such as clover.

Q: How do I continue to provide supplemental food plots for my wildlife during planting season?

A: Most wildlife enthusiasts completely destroy their food plots in order to plant a new one each season. Pennington does not recommend this method, as it removes the food source from the animals until new seedlings emerge and causes excess pressure on the new seedlings. Our recommendation is to strip plant* your food plots or to incorporate some permanent food plots and some annual plots, so that your animals have a constant food supply.

*A strip planting example: If you have a two acre food plot, disk and plant everything but ½ acre. Once your new plants are growing well, plant the last ½ acre

Q: How much area should I plant for wildlife?

A: This is dependent upon several factors: deer density, natural habitat, neighboring properties and your personal goals as a property owner. Pennington offers this general advice: With a low deer density, plant a minimum of 2.5% of your total property in food plots. For a high deer density, you should plant at least 7% of your property. For example, if you have a 100 acre track with low deer density, then you will need approximately 2.5 acres of food plots. This same acreage with a high deer density would require approximately 7 acres of food plots.

Q: How will I know if deer and other wildlife are utilizing my food plots?

A: Pennington recommends this simple wire cage solution: Construct a tomato-type cage out of strong, heavy gauge wire so that all animals will stay out of this specific area of the plot. The cage should contain a two by two surface area. This structure will allow growth factors (sunlight, rain, fertilizer) to enter, but will keep out grazing pressure from animals. As your plots grow and the deer and other wildlife graze, the plants inside the cage will grow considerably taller than the area outside the cage. This will indicate that animals like the food source.
(insert CalculatingFoodPlotSize.jpg)

Q: Are all wildlife seed mixtures basically the same?


No! The mixtures available on the market today are widely varied. From short term to long term mixtures, perennial to annual and high protein to low protein, wildlife seed mixtures are as different as the animals that will enjoy them. Here are some tips to help you make a decision for your individual needs:

  • Chose a mix that will work well in the planted area. Take into consideration soil type and moisture, zone of the country in which you reside and your climate.
  • Decide when you want the mixture to provide supplemental feed for your wildlife.
  • Decide how often you want to plant the mixture.
  • Determine whether you will need a high protein mix or one that will feed a large number of animals.
  • Evaluate your property: Do you have full sun or partial shade?
  • Determine planting area and the season in which you want to plant.
  • Set your budget.
  • Evaluate soil pH requirements and nutrient requirements for the seed mixture.
  • Determine quantity of mixture needed to plant the total habitat.

There are so many considerations and decisions to make about the seed mixture that is right for you. Pennington can make your life easier and help take the stress out of your decision. The Rackmaster product line from Pennington is regionally developed to offer you choices that will satisfy your needs and provide the highest quality food source for your wildlife.

Pennington is here to help. Many answers to your questions are provided on this extensive website (please utilize the search function to easily find what you're looking for). But, if you can't find an answer here, simply call our hotline at 1-800-285-SEED. You'll speak directly with a seed expert who will help you evaluate your choices and provide seed advice.


Wild Game Tips for Winter
Springtime Wildlife Food Plot Tips
Summer Tips


Wildlife Pocket Planner
Introduction to Planting Food Plots
Planting Method for Wildlife Products
Successful Wildlife Food Plot

Sold at G. P. Kittrell & Son, Inc.

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